

I’m a Libra Sun, Pisces Moon, and Sagittarius Rising, with the North Node of Destiny in my 8th House in Cancer. I have a lifelong love of fashion, interior design, and styling things. I've always loved expressing myself through my creative gifts and hold a deep curiosity for learning—about myself and others. As a true Sag Rising, my professional background has journeyed across many different terrains over the years and includes stints in fashion, marketing, holistic coaching, and most recently, as an intuitive astrologer.

I discovered astrology as part of my self-discovery journey, following a massive rock bottom that hit in my mid-thirties. It was one of the last pieces to come into my conscious awareness after decades of wrestling with my mental health, and trying everything in my power to “fix myself.” It was during my first official birth chart reading, that I felt something shift. Astrology helped me see myself in a way I’ve never seen myself before.

Growing up, a part of me always felt like an outsider. I’ve always been highly sensitive, easily picking up on the energy of others, and feeling their emotions as if they were my own. I carried a sense of heaviness and overwhelm compared to the kids around me and couldn’t understand why. I felt things that most couldn't or didn't pay attention to. I carried a big, bold energy with intense emotions that I struggled to regulate and often expressed in explosive ways. I felt ashamed and misunderstood a lot of the time, convinced that I was a burden, somehow born by mistake.

My mental state and low self-worth were themes that persisted through my thirties. Outwardly, I had achieved a successful career as a Personal Stylist and Digital Marketer. But, behind the scenes, I battled addictions, was plagued by feelings of inadequacy, and struggled to hold it all together. I was in and out of psychiatric care and went through periods where I was so heavily medicated that I barely felt human. Suppressing parts of myself seemed like the only way to survive the harsh demands of life.

I became so good at masking my personality that I completely lost sense of who I was. My reckoning with myself–aka my rock bottom–set in around age 35, following the death of my father, a second broken engagement, the loss of a dream job, and repeated mental breakdowns. I had developed a slew of health problems and couldn’t keep running from myself anymore. My body was physically, mentally, and emotionally spent. I knew I had a choice—keep going how I was going and continue to spiral—or finally address all the things I had been numbing over the years, from the root.

I spent the next several years slowly building myself back up, completely from scratch. I detoxed off all my prescription drugs and invested heavily in therapy, coaches, functional medicine doctors, and spiritual healers. I changed my diet and lifestyle, found yoga, addressed my addictions, and dove deep into inner work. I was determined to shift my story. The more I was able to heal and restore my body, the more my longstanding mental health issues finally started to balance out. I began to have a massive spiritual awakening. But it wasn’t until I began learning the language of astrology in 2020, that I felt like I found a major missing piece of the puzzle.

Astrology held up a mirror. It reflected my soul’s energetic blueprint and taught me how to work with my unique set of frequencies to find empowered vs disempowered states of being. It helped me de-shame the parts of my personality I always tried to hide, and validated my human experience. Once I better understood my energy—and the light and shadow each frequency carried—I could finally make sense of the parts of myself that I could not change, no matter how hard I tried. The ancient wisdom of the cosmos unveiled a magical roadmap of healing. Allowing me to rise above old narratives and patterns that had kept me stuck for so long.

The powerful ways astrology has helped me gain a deeper understanding of myself and the world around me have brought me new levels of inner peace and acceptance toward myself. I can better embrace me for me, rather than try to be the version of myself I think I have to be, to fit in. It's become a portal, where I can tap into the Spirit that lives within me, to continue working on myself, push past challenges, strengthen my intuition, and co-create a reality with the Universe that feels more reflective of the empowered version of my soul. 

I’m incredibly passionate about sharing this sacred language with other curious souls who are ready to dive deep and desire to become more empowered versions of themselves. Get ready to illuminate your light from the inside out!



ADAPT Health Coach Training Program, Kresser Institute*

*Accredited by the National Board for Health & Wellness Coaching (NBHWC) and the International Coaching Federation (ICF)

1:1 Astrology Mentorship with Astrologer Scott Tejerian

Registered Yoga Teacher RYT® 200, Yoga Alliance

Bachelor of Science (BS) Degree, Fashion Design and Merchandising, SFSU

A 10-year career in Digital Marketing



Tiffany's background is a dynamic blend of Personal Styling, Marketing, Holistic Coaching, and Astrology. 

With a B.S. Degree in Apparel Design and Merchandising, she began her career working in luxury retail for American Fashion Designer, Marc Jacobs. She followed her intuition on a job opportunity at tech startup, Voxer, in 2008, and that led her on a 10-year career path in marketing where she specialized in Digital Advertising and Social Media. She cultivated brand awareness, built engaged communities, and oversaw large-scale media campaigns, honing her skills across various industries including including a woman-founded tech startup, a boutique ad agency, and at well-known home design company, California Closets.

After overcoming chronic health conditions through holistic modalities, Tiffany felt a spiritual calling to shift her career path. She pursued studies in Functional Medicine and Holistic Coaching at Kresser Institute, where she graduated from the ADAPT Health Coaching Program in the fall of 2020. She also completed yoga teacher training through the Rasa Yoga Collective, receiving her RYT-200 certification. 

Tiffany officially launched her online business in 2021, combining her creative gifts and professional background to coach and style influencers, authors, and entrepreneurs, empowering them to embody their true selves. Astrology was a tool she used to help people uncover their personal style, but it naturally unlocked so much more. Since then, her business offerings have evolved to center around Astrology.

Tiffany’s diverse background, coupled with her insatiable curiosity for learning, has given her a unique perspective on the world. As an Intuitive Astrologer, she illuminates the path for others on their journeys of self-discovery. She is deeply passionate about helping people reclaim and embody the distinct energies of their souls, guiding them toward alignment and self-expression.


Let’s work together

I offer Birth Chart readings, Current Transit check-ins, Astrostyling sessions, and ongoing 1:1 Cosmic Guidance that aims to illuminate your soul's energetic essence. Working with cosmic energies, I’ll help you narrow in on the areas of life where things feel energetically heavy, stuck, or out of alignment and offer my intuitively led insights into how you can harness the frequencies to embody your unique light. Supporting you, as you restore faith in yourself and your higher purpose—so you can flow through life with more magic and ease!

Are you ready to reconnect to your essence, shift your energetic frequency, and step into your best, brightest life?